LITTLE ROCK (November 9, 2021) – During the month of November, CJRW will make charitable donations to almost 50 different non-profit organizations across Arkansas through its newly-launched “CJRW Cares” giving program.
This new initiative is part of the agency’s 60th Anniversary celebration.
CJRW, the state’s largest full-service marketing and communications firm, has allocated $600 for each employee to select an organization to receive the funds. The total investment for 2021 is $35,000.
“The past year has been quite difficult for non-profit organizations in terms of raising needed funds,” said Jill Joslin, president of CJRW. “This modest investment is our way of showing support and assisting organizations that do work our staff members find important.”
Organizations from Lake Village to Fayetteville, and Magnolia to Jonesboro will be helped by the donations.
Coupled with the agency’s Explore Arkansas program, which reimburses employees up to $500 annually to vacation in Arkansas and support the state’s tourism industry, CJRW will invest a total of $60,000 in 2021.
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For more information:
Mark Raines